Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tis the Season...

          So my friends here we are again back for a new wonderful installment of my life.  For those of you who are new welcome, and to those of you returning thank you as always.  Life can be a wondrous event for this time of year for many and a tragic time for others.  I shoot for about 50/50 and call it a good time if no one ends up in the hospital.

          Well I made it all the way up to December 2nd before I could no longer call it a good time.  Let me set the scene for you as it was relayed to me...  My three children were outside supposedly emptying out the car so that it could be clean for the next day when we had plans to go take Christmas photos of the family.  Apparently two of the three children decided it would be o.k. to play on the bicycles that were out side.

           The bad part was that my oldest son was riding his sisters bike and she did not like that.  Now she was grounded for not doing her chores so just being outside was already more than she was allowed to do, yet her mom was being nicer than me and let her go out to help her brother and sister.  The story goes that she got angry that her brother was on her bike and he threatened to damage it in some way.  So he brilliant idea was to hop on the back of a neighbors bike and have that kid follow her brother.  All of this so far stays pretty consistent between each child's version of the story  yet the following is kinda sketchy and what I cobbled together from all the stories I heard.

          She then leaped from the neighbors bike over to her bike and fell.  Some say onto the street, others say onto the bike itself.  I tend to believe she face planted onto the bike because of the lack of scrapes on her face.  Either way she smashed her mouth breaking her two front teeth, obtaining a few scrapes on her face(very minor though), and tearing up her palms from the road.  Now this is also the same wonderful child that about a week before hit her head and fell down the stairs blacking out due to a concussion.  Well blackout number two occurred at the time of this impact as well.  According to her she jumped and then was standing up feeling her mouth for blood with no memory of in between.

          So off to the hospital she went.  My wife had her there long enough for a head scan and some X-rays.  Come to find out she sprained her neck and wrist and more than likely caused another concussion but that last part was hard to tell because of the recent trauma.  Well they sent her home with instructions to follow up with a dentist/oral surgeon and some pain pills.

          So this week she made a trip to the dentist and they said she need surgery of course to repair her mouth and now we have a orthodontist appointment Friday.  Did I mention that she also managed to break off part of her braces in this accident, oh yeah gotta love that.

           So I love my daughter but I do think for Christmas I am buying her a bubble to live in so she doesn't get hurt anymore.

           So with another week come and gone I bring this journal to a close with the hopes that soon I get to write a boring article but knowing that my life does not allow for such things.  Until then and as always if you keep reading I will keep writing.
