Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30th, 2011

          Hello again one and all.  I thank you for those who have been readers of mine for a while and for those of you who are just stopping by for the first time I thank you as well.  I must apologize as to the title of the posting for I am not really creative enough to come up with a new name every single time.

          Let us start off our topic "Family Time" and what it means to you and me.  To many family time is any portions of time spent with your loved ones connecting and communicating on topics of joy and merriment.  To others it can be simply sitting down and having dinner at the table together while hitting bullet points of the day's occurrences for each person in attendance.  As with all that is me and mine, our family time is always much more involved.

          There is family time where we take the kids out and enjoy a day at the beach or perhaps a stroll through the mall.  There are those rare occasions that we all go to the movies, but with today's economy and ticket prices that doesn't happen much... but that is a story for another day.  Finally, of course, there is the time that my wife, my lil one, and myself go out and have fun as a triad (for those of you who are new check a couple of my older post to see the story on my extended relationship).

          This past week was just the Thanksgiving holiday and of course we did the "normal" thing where me, my wife, and our kids went to her parents house for turkey.  Sadly my lil one had to work a double from 7pm the night before till 7am Thanksgiving morning then only to turn around and go back in at 3pm till 11pm.  With only being home for such a short amount of time she had to sleep so she could manage to survive instead of going out to eat with us, but fear not my loving wife made her up a plate of yumminess and I delivered it personally while she was working.

          My lil one was so thankful for her food that she graced me with the option of going shopping when she got off of work at 11pm that night.  Even though she is my submissive and we are not married, option is not the correct term, should have been ultimatum. If I had said no and told her that I just wanted to sleep I would have gotten the third degree of how I don't love her enough to even go shopping, yada yada yada.  So Black Friday shopping starting Thursday night it was.  Just shoot me at this point, but hey, it's family time... right?

          The next day we managed to pull down all the the Christmas decorations from the attic, continuing our family time,  in hopes that we may appear to the neighbors a little less unusual if we followed suite and put up a tree and lights.  Well of course in order to put out the decorations we had to clean up everything first (yay, fun family time, right?).  Well after the cleaning at least the tree made it up and we still haven't gotten around to putting out the lights.

          So Saturday rolls around and now it is time to spend some family time with the wife.  I love her to death and have been married for going on fourteen years, but to her shopping is spending time together.  First we went and took her poodle to the groomers because there is no chance that I can give that dog a haircut worth a nickel.  While waiting for her to be done there we left the pooch and went shopping at the thrift stores because my wife thinks its neat all the little finds she can stumble across.  To make it a short story we were shopping for four hours and by the time we were done I was at home fixing screen doors with mesh grills so the dogs could not tear them back up.  TV followed that night and sleep came soon after.

          Sunday rolls around and the fun just continues.  My wife and oldest daughter headed off to church early in the a.m. and I wake up to have breakfast.  After church the Mrs. has a class she wants to go to at the church and the rest of us head off to the art fair.  So in the truck we have myself, my two daughters, and my lil one.  The four of us take the hour ride out to the Art Fair.  So we take a stroll through the fair which took about two hours looking at all the wonderful pieces of work from the many artist in our area.  As we start to leave the kids decide they want to go to the beach and I wanted to take some pictures so to the pier we went.

          At the pier we spend about an hour playing on the beach and taking pictures and the girls all played in the water.  Nothing overly exciting there, but hey it's family time... right?  Well if I hadn't had enough family time up to that point I managed to top myself off by stopping at the mall with three females on thanksgiving weekend after they had been out all day.  So I managed to survive that as well.

          I don't know about you but I have had enough "Family Time" to last me for a couple of weeks...oh crap... that will be just about Christmas time won't it?  Oh well.

          For now I will leave you my fine friends with these closing words as always: As long as you keep reading, I will keep writing.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Life as I know it.

          Hello once again my fine curious friends.  I hope that life has been treating you better than it has been treating me since my last update.  Over the past two weeks I have been to the doctors office more than I like to admit, yet when it is needed I have no choice between my wife and my lil one.

          For those of you that are married or that live with your significant other you may understand part of what I am talking about.  You sit there and have a little trouble breathing or start to cough and your other half says, "You really should go to the doctors and get that checked out."  Well imagine your significant other is a RN(registered nurse) and think of how that conversation will go... probably something like this, "Why aren't you going to the doctors?  don't you believe me when I say you need to go?  It's not like I went to college for years or that I know what I am talking about...."

          Well for me its more of a hassle because I have my wife on one side telling me to go and my lil one on the other telling me why I should listen to her because she is a nurse.  Now don't get me wrong, I understand that if a nurse tells me to see the doctor I should.  Also I understand that an office visit is easier to get through than a week with a wife telling me to go.  Yet when both of them are trying to get me to go at the same time, well I basically have no choice in the matter other than who will take me. 

          As for the part about who will take me, well that has its own pitfalls too.  On the one hand I cannot really take both of the women who live with me because doctors hate having too many people in the exam room (I should know I work for a doctor of Optometry).  On the other hand choosing between wife and lil one is a balancing act that the most trained tight rope walkers have trouble negotiating.  My wife believes that she should go because she has been in my life for fifteen years, while lil one believes she should go because she is an actual nurse and can better relate the many symptoms that I apparently have without knowing it to the doctor.

          So I try to rotate who gets to go and that has been fun trying to explain to the medical professionals about who these different ladies are that accompany me.  That will have to wait for another day though.

          To shorten it up though for the night, it seems that I have asthma as well as some other problems.  I have not had any symptoms of asthma for years but due to what ever reasons they are showing up again.  On top of that I had bronchitis and a sinus infection that I am finally over.  To top that off somewhere along the lines I managed to hurt my foot to the point of needing a cane to walk.  The asthma is doing better now that the weather is cooling down and if all goes well and I can stay off of my foot for a while the cane can go back into the closet in a week or two.

          Friends I wish you all the best of this Thanksgiving holiday to those of you who celebrate it, and to the rest of you have a wonderful week.  I will try to post soon or by next Wednesday the 30th if I can.  Thanks again for following along this crazy ride with me and remember, if you keep reading I will keep writing.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9th, 2011

          So we meet again my friends.  What shall I talk about today, huh?  Would you like to hear about "Occupy Wall Street" or "Steve Jobs is dead"... I think not.  You want to hear more about how my frantic little world is with all its drama and craziness.  You do, don't you?!?  Fine, that is the reason I started this blog.  So lets continue on.

          To start with my plans were for a daily blog but I think life may be just a little too hectic for that.  So I will set a less lofty goal of a weekly blog to be published on Wednesdays by 9pm eastern standard time.  I will perhaps throw in little extras throughout the week if time and life allows so as always just keep an eye open for me.

          In the past two days life hasn't been much more complicated than usual.  Yesterday was a work day of ten hours followed up with a night of cleaning.  The cleaning was mundane in nature, a weekly job for a doctors office, except that being sick didn't help at all.  I ended up mostly bringing stuff in, taking stuff out and grabbing trash bags while my lil one did the rest.  Time went kind of slow and by the end I could not barely breathe so once home on to the nebulizer I went.

          Forgive me, I just realized that when I wrote "lil one" you might not know of who I speak.  Remember I am married and I refer to my wife as "the mrs." or "my mrs.", while the other woman who shares my life and who is submissive to my dominance I refer to as "lil one" or "my lil one", just to clear that up.  I hope that there are not many of you out in the wide world who frown too much upon my lifestyle, because I don't look down on you because of yours.

          So for the sake of keeping things short until I have a better idea of how much you are willing to listen to in one shot I will call this blog to an end.  Keep an eye open for my next blog or check back next week, and in the mean time share away with your friends and family or even people you barely know. 

Remember, If you keep reading I will keep writing.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 1

          Hello one and all to the world that is me.  This is the first of many blogs to come yet it is not the first day of my story.  Being that this is merely an intro into my life so that you may follow my journey into madness or perhaps even back to sanity, I will keep my words limited.

          A little about the person you are reading would have to include that I am a father of three wonderful children, the husband of a beautiful wife, and yes even the dominant of my partner.  There are few out there that may understand my life so to simplify it, I am married and I have a loving woman who also lives to serve me.  Before you criticize me I will say that the two woman that live in my house are also dating each other making what we have a triad.  All three of us are intimate with each other.

          We live a different lifestyle than most yet we can usually manage to get from day to day without killing everyone in the house.  I say this with the utmost seriousness, of my three children one is a 15 year old boy and another is a 13 year old girl.  My third child is a nice and calm 10 year old girl who I have no doubt that the countdown clock has already begun until she is in the mix of who causes the most hell in a day.

          To top things off I work a forty hour job each week, I also own and run a cleaning service, and I am a full time college student with hopes of completing my degree soon.  Life is hectic and always filled with excitement so that not a single day goes by without pulling me into multiple directions.  Do I live a life made for everyone? No. What I have though I am not sure I would want to trade with anyone out there for any reason.

          Stay tuned won't you? Ask any questions you may have.  Share your thoughts of my words.  Post me on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other site you wish.  I will be back tomorrow and hopefully you will too.
